A New Year and a New look
We're practically at the close of 2013 and it's high time I wished everyone wonderful things for the year to come.
It's also time for a new look to this blog.
Why the rewrite? Partly because I was tired of the look, but mostly because, when I put it together, it was the first time I used that toolset and was just figuring things out.
I'm still no expert, but I thought it was time to clean things up.
It's still a jekyll generated blog hosted on GitHub pages but instead of using Twitter Bootstrap I decided to use Ivory. It's much smaller and only does the basics. Even the menu I'm using was the result of some online searching for CSS stuff. I figure that this way, I'll actually learn more about styling.
This should be an interesting year. I've got a number of projects that I'm working on. Some within Stuyvesant, some revolving around CSTUY, and some I can't talk about right now. Hopefully I'll be able to write about some of them in the coming weeks.
I'm also hoping to write more this year. I only posted 30 times this past year. On the other hand, that's up from 18 times in 2012 and only 4 posts in 2011.
In addition to updates on CSTUY, pedagogical posts and the occasional rant, I'd like to do a series on how I use tools like the Linux shell and Emacs.
We'll see how things go.
For now, I wish you all a happy and healthy new year.
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