Dream It, Code It, Win It

Last night, I attended the Dream It, Code It, Win It awards.

I'd actually write up the event but Fred Wilson's already done a better job at that than I could: http://avc.com/2014/05/dream-it-and-code-it/

As Fred stated on his blog, it's a real shame that the high schooler's didn't get to show off their work but it was great to see that there were entries from a variety of schools including The Academy for Software Engineering and The Young Women's Leadership Academy.

As part of the application process, the teams made short videos. Here are three of the Stuy entries. I'll add the fourth once I get it.

The first two were written by teams in our senior SoftDev class the third by juniors currently in APCS using mostly what they learned in the second half of our intro class.



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