Help us create a Saturday Hacking Space for kids


As many of you know, I'm part of the team behind CSTUY, a non-profit dedicated to bringing the best CS education to kids who wouldn't otherwise have the opportunity.

Over the past two summers we've hosted our highly succesful immersion program SHIP. We were also able to run a small Saturday program thanks to the generosity of SumAll who provided space, and other members of the StuyCS family who provided laptops and the funds we needed.

We're trying to do it again, this time through a kickstarter. What would be really awesome is if we could not only fund the Saturday program but also the summer program so we can focus on getting to the kids and not on raising money.

So, we need you to head over to:

Watch the video, read the project, and kick in for the cause.

Just as importantly, spread the word - your friends, co-workers, managers, funders - anyone who can help.

Wouldn't it be asweome if we could blow the roof off this kickstarter and be able to focus all year on teaching kids!!!!



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