For those of that don't know, the New York Tech Meetup it's one of the things that help make the New York Tech Scene so awesome.

It's a group of some 30k+ members and once a month, at Skriball Center at NYU they hold a meetup. It's really quite an event. Members of the tech community demo their projects, there's question and answer time, and afterwards theres a gathering for schmoozing amongst the crowd and the presenters.

During the QA period, there's one rule -- You can't ask "What's your business model." I think we all love that it's about the tech not about the buck.

Stuy CS family members such as Digital Ocean, Tactonic Technologies, and Vantageous have all presented. I'm not able to go to the meetup regularly - It's usually on a school night and tickets are hard to come by, but I love the fact that whenever I'm there, I reconnect with old Stuy CS family members and meet new ones. Yesterday, at the meetup I met Ron Williams, of Knodes. He's Stuy '94 - one year before my first CS grads.

So, why am I writing about NYTM? As a result of our Demo Night, Brandon Diamond invited a couple of the groups to present as part of the Hack of the Month segment.

Brian, Eli, Jules, and Shan got up on stage and presented their work to a live audience of about 1000 technologiest plus those viewing the simulcast.

Afterwards the we mixed with the crowd. A great experience for the guys.

As Brandon said afterwards - "That's another 1000 people that know what you guys are doing." Given the difficulties in getting our program recognized and to more students, this exposure is so important.

So, thanks Brandon, Jessica, and everone else involved in giving the kids this opportunity.

UPDATE: If you want to actually see the kids, check out the vide here: NYTM Video. Just go to the 4th yellow dot (about 52 minutes in).


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