Unit Tests Grading Workflow

I've talked before about unit testing (here, and here). My premise is that in addition to being an important industry technique, it's a sound practice for students studying CS. I also contend that it can make grading easier on the teacher. Maybe not as easy as an auto-grader but those have their own problems.

Since I spent most of today grading I thought I'd share my current workflow and how unit tests have made me more efficient.

I have each student make a single GitHub repo for all individual homeworks, labs and small projects. They'll make additional repos for larger and group projects. They fill out a Google form to give me the repo link. I download the form and end up with a CSV file something like this:

Doe, John, git@github.com:johndoe/mymoework.git
Doe, Jane, git@github.com:janedoe/labs.git

My goal is to clone each students repo into a directory and then throughout the term, they add assignments to their own repos using the names and specifications I give them. For example, after assigning three assignments, I could pull everything from their repos and I would have a directory structure something like this:

├── doe_jane
│   ├── hw_01
│   ├── hw_02
│   └── hw_03
└── doe_john
    ├── hw_01
    └── hw_02

To get there, I have to change the csv file to a small shell script:

git clone git@github.com:johndoe/mymoework.git doe_john
git clone git@github.com:janedoe/labs.git doe_jane

I usually do this in Emacs with a macro.

Now I'm ready to go.

Whenever there's a new assignment, I just have to update all the repos. I go into the root hw directory and loop through all the subdirectoryes:

cs /path/to/hw_root
for i in `ls`
  cd /path/to/hw_root/$i
  git pull

At this point I could go into each repo but we can do better. Since I have all of my students submit a Makefile with a default target to build an executable named main and also a target named tests which will build an executable to run the unit tests named tests I do this instead of a straight pull:

cs /path/to/hw_root
for i in `ls`
  cd /path/to/hw_root/$i
  git pull
  cd hw_03 # or whatever assignment I'm grading
  make tests

Now, if I want, I can go into each directory, run the tests by typing ./tests and the hw or project with ./main. I can also add a couple of lines to the for loop above like:

echo "$i Test Report\n----------------\n" >> /path/to/hw_root/test_report
./tests >> /path/to/hw_root/test_rport
echo "----------------------\n\n"

This gives me a single file with everyone's test results. Either by doing this or by running the tests in each folder manually I can quickly see what works and what doesn't.

While I'm doing this, I have Emacs up and with dired mode and more specifically ag-dired-regexp which lets me easily navigate to any student's files. Combined with the test results I can quickly evaluate the entire assignment.

Put all of this together and it makes grading somewhat bearable. I can work through well written, correct assignments extremely quickly and drill down into the other projects efficiently as well.


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